Azubi Potentialpark Ranking 2025

Presenting the best employers in online Talent Communication!

Our Ranking proudly showcases the employers who prioritize and excel in understanding candidate needs and effectively implement this knowledge in their Talent Communication strategies.

  • 113 criteria

  • 9 career channels

  • 101 employers evaluated

  • 5 248 responses

The Potentialpark Ranking reflects the performance of employers across all topics included in the Potentialpark Study: Career Website, Applying Online, Social Media, and Professional Platforms.

Rank Employer brand Difference from 2024
1 Evonik 0
2 Deutsche Flugsicherung 11
3 Deutsche Telekom 1
4 Henkel -1
5 Deloitte 13
6 Deutsche Bahn 21
8 thyssenkrupp 0
9 Lidl -3
10 E.ON 48

If you want to be included in our rankings, trends, and benchmark analysis or would like information about previous years rankings, contact:

David Prinz, Key Account Manager: DACH