Potentialpark Events

Global Talent Communication Summit 2025
The Potentialpark Summit is our annual event where leaders in Talent Communication and Employer Branding come together to explore the latest candidate trends and best practices from the 2025 Potentialpark Talent Communication Study.
Join us as we reveal the 2025 Potentialpark Rankings and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers across the globe. Reserve your virtual seat now!

Partner Network Forum
The Partner Network Forum is a dynamic gathering designed for our Partners to connect, collaborate, and engage with fellow university and employer partners. This event provides a unique platform to foster meaningful discussions around shared challenges and opportunities in preparing students for the evolving workforce.
This Year’s Theme: The New Career Playbook: Branding, Belonging, and Beyond
This year, we’ll dive into the evolving landscape of career development, focusing on how universities and employers can support students in building their personal brand, fostering a sense of belonging, and preparing for the future of work.
Join the Conversation – Share Your Knowledge!
We’re also inviting participants to take the stage as speakers! If you have insights or experiences to share on personal branding, skills in hiring, or student development, we’d love for you to be part of the discussion.
Why Attend?
✅ Connect with peers and employer partners
✅ Gain insights on the latest career development trends
✅ Contribute to shaping the future of student employability

Sweden Talent Communication Summit 2025
We are excited to announce that Potentialpark is bringing the Talent Communication Summit home to Stockholm!
Join us on Tuesday, March 11th, at 14:00, at the Mentimeter office, where we will reveal this year's top employers and share the latest trends and insights on candidate experience in Sweden and discuss how the Swedish results compare to the rest of the world.
This exclusive, in-person event will bring together leaders in Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition to discuss key insights and celebrate excellence in Talent Communication.

Germany Talent Communication Summit 2025
Der Potentialpark Summit ist unser jährliches Wissensforum zur Talent Communication, auf dem wir die Ergebnisse unserer Studie veröffentlichen und die talent-freundlichsten Arbeitgeber feiern.
Der deutsche Summit, sowie die weiteren Summits, bringen auch Vordenker in den Bereichen Talent Communication und Employer Branding zusammen, die Fallstudien, Best Practices und weitere Erkenntnisse austauschen.

Italy Talent Communication Summit 2025
Il Potentialpark Summit è il nostro forum annuale sulla comunicazione dei talenti, in cui pubblichiamo i risultati del nostro studio e celebriamo i datori di lavoro più attenti ai talenti.
Il Summit italiano, così come gli altri Summit, riunisce anche i leader di pensiero nel campo della comunicazione dei talenti e dell'employer branding per condividere casi di studio, best practice e altri approfondimenti.

French Talent Communication Summit
Le Potentialpark Summit est notre réunion annuelle au cours de laquelle les leaders de la Communication Talent et de la Marque Employeur se réunissent pour échanger les dernières tendances et meilleures pratiques autour d’études de cas, de table ronde et des dernières tendances candidats issues de l’étude Potentialpark 2025.
C’est aussi l’occasion de révéler le classement Potentialpark 2025 et de célébrer ensemble les meilleurs employeurs en termes de Communication Talent.

US Talent Communication Summit 2025
We are thrilled to announce that we’ll be returning LIVE in New York City to announce this year’s top employers and share the latest trends and insights on candidate experience on Thursday, February 6th, 2025 at BCG’s office in Hudson Yards. Doors open at 12:30pm.
This is an exclusive, live, in-person event and will not be broadcast online.

The Final Countdown Europe
Join us for an exclusive event designed for Europe's top companies leading the way in Employer Branding and Talent Communication!
The event aims to share valuable insights and data, fostering stronger relationships between Potentialpark and participating companies, as well as among the companies themselves.
At the event, we will:
- Introduce Potentialpark's 2025 updates
- Succeed in Employer Branding and Talent Communication for the recruiting season
- Be joined by an International Panel to discuss Company Culture Communication and your Employer Brand
- Feature keynote guest speakers
Traditionally, this event is exclusively for companies featured in our Rankings, but this year, we’ve decided to extend the invitation to other international companies to encourage broader sharing and development.

Étudiants, faites la différence : Comment réussir votre entrée dans le monde professionnel ?
Rejoins-nous pour un webinar inspirant dédié aux étudiants qui souhaitent réussir leur entrée dans le monde professionnel et booster leur carrière !
Au programme, des témoignages enrichissants de professionnels qui partageront leurs expériences, des bancs de l'école jusqu'à aujourd'hui, et les secrets de leur insertion professionnelle réussie !
Tu y découvriras aussi des conseils pratiques sur les attentes des employeurs, des stratégies gagnantes et des clés pour te démarquer sur le marché du travail.
Cet événement interactif te permettra de poser toutes tes questions, d’échanger avec des intervenants de divers horizons et de t'inspirer de leurs parcours. Que tu sois au début de tes études ou en fin de cycle, c’est l’occasion idéale pour prendre de l’avance et préparer ton avenir avec confiance. Inscris-toi dès maintenant et fais le premier pas vers une carrière réussie !
L'équipe Potentialpark en collaboration avec EDF

Hack your Career Hunt!
Join our "Hack Your Career Hunt" Webinar!
Are you ready to take control of your job search and land the opportunities you’ve been dreaming of? In this interactive session, we’ll share practical tips and strategies to help you stand out, optimize your applications, and navigate the job market like a pro. Don’t miss this chance to boost your career journey!

Partner Network Forum
The Partner Network Forum, formerly known as the University Forum is BACK! Join us online on April 17th at 3 pm CET for a unique opportunity to dive into the world of Potentialpark and gain insights into the strategies employed by various universities and student organizations to connect with young talent. Your participation is vital, and we're open to suggestions for additional topics you'd like us to cover.
Register now and be part of a forum that goes beyond boundaries to create a network of partners dedicated to shaping the future of talent acquisition. See you on April 17th!

Global Talent Communication Summit 2024
The Potentialpark Summit is our annual event where leaders in Talent Communication and Employer Branding come together to explore the latest candidate trends and best practices from the 2024 Potentialpark Talent Communication Study.
Join us as we reveal the 2024 Potentialpark Rankings and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers across the globe. Reserve your virtual seat now!

Azubi Summit
Der Potentialpark Azubi Communication Summit ist unser jährliches Wissensforum zur Azubi Communication, auf dem wir die Ergebnisse unserer Studie veröffentlichen und die talent-freundlichsten Arbeitgeber feiern.
Hier werden wir die Top-Unternehmen im Bereich der Azubi-Kommunikation würdigen und uns die Erwartungen der Schüler:innen näher anschauen.

Talent Communication Summit Italia
Il ‘Talent Communication Summit 2024’ di Potentialpark è il nostro evento annuale dove il 19 Marzo 2024 i Leader della Talent Communication, Employer Branding e Risorse Umane si incontrano per aggiornarsi, confrontarsi con gli ultimi trend/ insights/ best practices e condividere i risultati delle nostre ricerche 2024.
Al Summit mostreremo i nostri Ranking 2024, premieremo le migliori agenzie/tech provider e celebreremo i migliori datori di lavoro in Italia.

Germany Talent Communication Summit
Der Potentialpark Summit ist unser jährliches Wissensforum zur Talent Communication, auf dem wir die Ergebnisse unserer Studie veröffentlichen und die talent-freundlichsten Arbeitgeber feiern.
Der deutsche Summit, sowie die weiteren Summits, bringen auch Vordenker in den Bereichen Talent Communication und Employer Branding zusammen, die Fallstudien, Best Practices und weitere Erkenntnisse austauschen.

US Talent Communication Summit
We are thrilled to announce that we’ll be returning LIVE in New York City to announce this year’s top employers and share the latest trends and insights on candidate experience on Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at 2:00 pm at Pfizer’s new headquarters at The Spiral in Hudson Yards.

France Talent Communication Summit
Le Potentialpark Summit est notre réunion annuelle au cours de laquelle les leaders de la Communication Talent et de la Marque Employeur se réunissent pour échanger les dernières tendances et meilleures pratiques autour d’études de cas, de table ronde et des dernières tendances candidats issues de l’étude Potentialpark 2024.

World Employer Branding Day 2023
Learn from & connect with the World's Best
World Employer Branding Day is the world's largest gathering of leaders in employer branding. Founded in 2015 with a vision to advance excellence in employer branding practice, the event connects companies from around the world with the industry’s top employer branding leaders, agencies and communities in a friendly and welcoming environment for all levels.

Final Countdown: Talent Communication Ranking 2024
Our online event to kick-off the recruitment and research season for the German market.
The job market keeps us all pretty busy. We haven't been idle either and have some new updated to share. In order to give you some real momentum and ideas, we invite you to the: Final Countdown Event: Talent Communication Ranking 2024.
The agenda:
Preview 2024 - the hottest HR marketing topics of the fall
Study update: changes for the next ranking
Quick Fixes: How to optimally prepare for the examination
Panel: Experts from top employers discuss trends of your choice

La Rentrée
Our kick-off event for the start of the recruitment and study season for the French market.
Hosted by EY.

Future Forum 2023
The Future Forum is Potentialpark’s annual forum organized exclusively for our closest clients. Each year, talent attraction initiatives, future projects and plans, and success stories are shared.
Over two intensive days, we focus on the future of talent communication and employer branding in workshops and discussions with thought leaders and experts.

University and Employer Forum
The University and Employer Forum, new this year, will be taking place on the 16th of May 2023 from 14:00 CET. This forum will be a chance for you to discover more Potentialpark insights about young talent behavior, how other student organizations work with and engage their student bodies, and learn from fellow universities and employers.
The agenda focuses on knowledge exchange between universities and employers, as well as the discussion of job market trends and the future of recruitment.

#RCLab Azubi Communication 2023
Am Donnerstag den 30.03.2023, veranstalten wir gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Ausbildung.de das #RCLab Azubi Communication 2023. Das Event findet online statt, von 10-12 Uhr.
Es werden nicht nur Fragen zur Azubi-Kommunikation beantwortet, sondern auch die neuesten Trends und Daten präsentiert. Außerdem wird unser offizielles Azubi Communication Ranking 2023 veröffentlicht und es gibt spannende Interviews und somit Einblicke der bestplatzierten Unternehmen.
Wer sich noch nicht angemeldet hat,kann sich jetzt noch registrieren! Natürlich kostenlos!

Global Talent Communication Summit 2023
Join us as we reveal the 2023 Potentialpark Rankings and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers around the globe.
Explore the latest trends, insights, and best practices in Talent Communication and Candidate Experience with us and participate in the conversation!
This year we will continue to celebrate agencies and tech solution providers who have helped support our top ranked employers with their talent communication efforts.

Germany Talent Communication Summit 2023
Wir stellen exklusiv die Trends und Ergebnisse der Potentialpark-Studie 2023 vor.
Außerdem zeichnen wir die Sieger im Potentialpark-Ranking und in den Kategorien Career Website, Applying Online, Social Media und Professional Platforms aus.
Dazu präsentieren ausgewählte Arbeitgeber ihre Cases, seien sie erfolgreich, lehrreich oder beides. Sprecht uns gern für einen möglichen Vortrag zu euren innovativen Projekten an!
Der Potentialpark Summit ist unser jährliches Wissensforum zur Talent Communication, auf dem wir die Ergebnisse unserer Studie veröffentlichen und die talent-freundlichsten Arbeitgeber feiern. Der deutsche Summit, sowie die weiteren Summits, bringen auch Vordenker in den Bereichen Talent Communication und Employer Branding zusammen, die Fallstudien, Best Practices und weitere Erkenntnisse austauschen. Du willst dabei sein?
Aufgrund der aktuellen Einschränkungen am Veranstaltungsort haben wir nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Plätzen zur Verfügung.

France Talent Communication Summit
Le Potentialpark Summit est notre réunion annuelle au cours de laquelle les leaders de la Communication Talent et de la Marque Employeur se réunissent pour échanger les dernières tendances et meilleures pratiques autour d’études de cas, de table ronde et des dernières tendances candidats issus de l’étude Potentialpark 2023. C’est aussi l’occasion de révéler le classement Potentialpark 2023 et de célébrer ensemble les meilleurs employeurs en termes de Communication Talent.

Italy Talent Communication Summit 2023
Siamo felici di annunciarvi che il 21 Febbraio 2023 si svolgerà il Talent Communication Summit - Italia e sarà il primo in persona dal 2020! L’evento si terrà a Milano, presso la Sala Azionisti di Edison e ci auguriamo che tu possa partecipare.
I Potentialpark Summit sono i nostri Forum annuali nei quali pubblichiamo ufficialmente i risultati del nostri studio e celebriamo i migliori datori di lavoro. Riuniamo anche Thought Leaders nella Talent Communication e nell’Employer Branding che condividono casi di studio, best practices e danno ulteriori approfondimenti.
Ti unirai a noi? Segna la data nel tuo calendario e presto riceverai l’invito ufficiale con il link di registrazione! Non vediamo l’ora di celebrare i successi della Talent Communication 2023 con te.

2023 US Talent Communication Summit
Join us as we release the results of our 2023 Talent Communication Study and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers in the US.
Explore the latest trends, insights, and best practices in Talent Communication and Candidate Experience with us and participate in the conversation!
This year we will continue to celebrate agencies and tech solution providers who have helped support our top ranked employers with their talent communication efforts.
Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 16, 2023 and register - you won’t want to miss out!

Future Talent Council Virtual Summit
Welcome to Future Talent Council’s Global Virtual Summit. Every quarter, Future Talent Council welcome its +700 members to a global virtual summit spanning a multiple of time zones, sectors and markets. Fellow corporate, governmental and educational leaders gather for talks, panels and dialogues on the future of work and education.

Employer Branding and Diversity Conference
Join us and Papirfly in Berlin on 25 October 2022 for the unmissable Employer Branding and Diversity Conference. An exciting programme of influential senior speakers and panel discussions awaits you at the Felleshus of the Nordic Embassies, as we delve into the latest topics, insights and best practices from the worlds of employer branding and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

World Employer Branding Day
Join us in Lisbon this October as we unite with the Employer Branding global community IN-PERSON to share knowledge, ideas and opinions to advance the Employer Branding Industry.
World Employer Branding Day is the world's largest gathering of leaders in employer branding the event connects companies from around the world with the industry’s top employer branding leaders, agencies and communities in a friendly and welcoming environment for all levels.

La Rentrée 2022
Préparer votre prochaine saison de recrutement et partager les derniers insights en marketing rh avec nous autour d'un petit-déjeuner.
La Rentrée arrive à grand pas et nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous le programme de la matinée. Nous espérons vous y retrouver très nombreux pour échanger du futur de la communication RH et du recrutement, et enfin se retrouver en personne !