Potentialpark Events

Future Forum 2023
The Future Forum is Potentialpark’s annual forum organized exclusively for our closest clients. Each year, talent attraction initiatives, future projects and plans, and success stories are shared.
Over two intensive days, we focus on the future of talent communication and employer branding in workshops and discussions with thought leaders and experts.

University and Employer Forum
The University and Employer Forum, new this year, will be taking place on the 16th of May 2023 from 14:00 CET. This forum will be a chance for you to discover more Potentialpark insights about young talent behavior, how other student organizations work with and engage their student bodies, and learn from fellow universities and employers.
The agenda focuses on knowledge exchange between universities and employers, as well as the discussion of job market trends and the future of recruitment.

#RCLab Azubi Communication 2023
Am Donnerstag den 30.03.2023, veranstalten wir gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Ausbildung.de das #RCLab Azubi Communication 2023. Das Event findet online statt, von 10-12 Uhr.
Es werden nicht nur Fragen zur Azubi-Kommunikation beantwortet, sondern auch die neuesten Trends und Daten präsentiert. Außerdem wird unser offizielles Azubi Communication Ranking 2023 veröffentlicht und es gibt spannende Interviews und somit Einblicke der bestplatzierten Unternehmen.
Wer sich noch nicht angemeldet hat,kann sich jetzt noch registrieren! Natürlich kostenlos!

Global Talent Communication Summit 2023
Join us as we reveal the 2023 Potentialpark Rankings and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers around the globe.
Explore the latest trends, insights, and best practices in Talent Communication and Candidate Experience with us and participate in the conversation!
This year we will continue to celebrate agencies and tech solution providers who have helped support our top ranked employers with their talent communication efforts.

Germany Talent Communication Summit 2023
Wir stellen exklusiv die Trends und Ergebnisse der Potentialpark-Studie 2023 vor.
Außerdem zeichnen wir die Sieger im Potentialpark-Ranking und in den Kategorien Career Website, Applying Online, Social Media und Professional Platforms aus.
Dazu präsentieren ausgewählte Arbeitgeber ihre Cases, seien sie erfolgreich, lehrreich oder beides. Sprecht uns gern für einen möglichen Vortrag zu euren innovativen Projekten an!
Der Potentialpark Summit ist unser jährliches Wissensforum zur Talent Communication, auf dem wir die Ergebnisse unserer Studie veröffentlichen und die talent-freundlichsten Arbeitgeber feiern. Der deutsche Summit, sowie die weiteren Summits, bringen auch Vordenker in den Bereichen Talent Communication und Employer Branding zusammen, die Fallstudien, Best Practices und weitere Erkenntnisse austauschen. Du willst dabei sein?
Aufgrund der aktuellen Einschränkungen am Veranstaltungsort haben wir nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Plätzen zur Verfügung.

France Talent Communication Summit
Le Potentialpark Summit est notre réunion annuelle au cours de laquelle les leaders de la Communication Talent et de la Marque Employeur se réunissent pour échanger les dernières tendances et meilleures pratiques autour d’études de cas, de table ronde et des dernières tendances candidats issus de l’étude Potentialpark 2023. C’est aussi l’occasion de révéler le classement Potentialpark 2023 et de célébrer ensemble les meilleurs employeurs en termes de Communication Talent.

Italy Talent Communication Summit 2023
Siamo felici di annunciarvi che il 21 Febbraio 2023 si svolgerà il Talent Communication Summit - Italia e sarà il primo in persona dal 2020! L’evento si terrà a Milano, presso la Sala Azionisti di Edison e ci auguriamo che tu possa partecipare.
I Potentialpark Summit sono i nostri Forum annuali nei quali pubblichiamo ufficialmente i risultati del nostri studio e celebriamo i migliori datori di lavoro. Riuniamo anche Thought Leaders nella Talent Communication e nell’Employer Branding che condividono casi di studio, best practices e danno ulteriori approfondimenti.
Ti unirai a noi? Segna la data nel tuo calendario e presto riceverai l’invito ufficiale con il link di registrazione! Non vediamo l’ora di celebrare i successi della Talent Communication 2023 con te.

2023 US Talent Communication Summit
Join us as we release the results of our 2023 Talent Communication Study and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers in the US.
Explore the latest trends, insights, and best practices in Talent Communication and Candidate Experience with us and participate in the conversation!
This year we will continue to celebrate agencies and tech solution providers who have helped support our top ranked employers with their talent communication efforts.
Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 16, 2023 and register - you won’t want to miss out!

Future Talent Council Virtual Summit
Welcome to Future Talent Council’s Global Virtual Summit. Every quarter, Future Talent Council welcome its +700 members to a global virtual summit spanning a multiple of time zones, sectors and markets. Fellow corporate, governmental and educational leaders gather for talks, panels and dialogues on the future of work and education.

Employer Branding and Diversity Conference
Join us and Papirfly in Berlin on 25 October 2022 for the unmissable Employer Branding and Diversity Conference. An exciting programme of influential senior speakers and panel discussions awaits you at the Felleshus of the Nordic Embassies, as we delve into the latest topics, insights and best practices from the worlds of employer branding and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

World Employer Branding Day
Join us in Lisbon this October as we unite with the Employer Branding global community IN-PERSON to share knowledge, ideas and opinions to advance the Employer Branding Industry.
World Employer Branding Day is the world's largest gathering of leaders in employer branding the event connects companies from around the world with the industry’s top employer branding leaders, agencies and communities in a friendly and welcoming environment for all levels.

La Rentrée 2022
Préparer votre prochaine saison de recrutement et partager les derniers insights en marketing rh avec nous autour d'un petit-déjeuner.
La Rentrée arrive à grand pas et nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous le programme de la matinée. Nous espérons vous y retrouver très nombreux pour échanger du futur de la communication RH et du recrutement, et enfin se retrouver en personne !

Final Countdown - Talent Communication Ranking 2023
Datum & Uhrzeit: 13.09.2022, 10 bis 11 Uhr
Vorschau 2023 - die heißesten HR-Marketing-Themen des Herbstes
Studien-Update: Änderungen und neue Kanäle bei Potentialpark
Quick Fixes: Wie ihr euch optimal auf die Audits vorbereitet
Panel: Experten der Top-Arbeitgeber diskutieren Trends eurer Wahl
Wir möchten euch wie immer helfen, Kandidaten zu verstehen, von den Besten zu lernen und die richtigen Prioritäten zu setzen. Bei diesem Event werfen wir gemeinsam einen Blick auf die kommenden 12 Monate.
Gerne erwarten wir ihre Teilnahme!

RC Festival 2022
After two long years the global developer community meets once again in Berlin to connect with peers and get recent insights on software development, best practices and future tech trends.
Once again we will bring together the world's greatest minds in tech to show all the possibilities and opportunities that modern software development offers. WeAreDevelopers World Congress is the place where we share our experiences to become better professionals and level up our skills in order to create incredible things as developers and tech experts.

EBCon. 2022
A gathering of forces in Employer Branding.
Join to hear Potentialpark’s CEO and Founder, Torgil Lenning, present on the 18th May at 2:40pm (CET).

#RC Lab: Azubi Communication 2022
Das erwartet Sie:
Exklusive Einblicke in die STARTKLAR-Schülerstudie 2022
Rankings der besten Unternehmen
Rund 2 Stunden voller Unternehmensinsights und interessanter Learnings
Speaker: Experten von Potentialpark und Ausbildung.de sowie Vertreter der ausgezeichneten Unternehmen

2022 Global Talent Communication Summit
During the Summit we will release the official European Rankings, Asian Rankings and Global Ranking for the employers with top Talent Communication across different channels, including Career Websites and Social Media.
You will have the opportunity to join a number of exciting sessions with invaluable insights from Talent Communication Experts and you will hear about the latest Global trends and insights from the team at Potentialpark. Take part in our networking session at the end of the event to discuss these sessions and trends with your peers from across the globe.

2022 US Talent Communication Online Summit
Join us as we announce this year's rankings for the top Talent Friendly Employers in the US and share the latest trends and insights on Talent Communication and Candidate Experience.
Meet other Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition Leaders, participate in valuable discussions surrounding the main takeaways from the past year, and join in looking forward to a new year in Talent Communication.
Stick around to join a networking session after the main event! We look forward to seeing you there.

Talent Communication Online Summit Italia 2022
Unendosi a noi potrà scoprire le ultime novità ed i trend in tema di Talent Communication, aver accesso ai dati più recenti del nostro studio e scoprire come sono cambiate le richieste dei candidati verso i datori di lavoro nell’ultimo anno.
Durante il summit avrà anche la possibilità di conoscere quali sono le aziende più Talent Friendly e prendere parte a discussioni e workshop con altri professionisti del settore.
Rimanga connesso per partecipare ad una sessione di networking su questa piattaforma dopo l'evento principale! Non vediamo l'ora di riverderci lì.

2022 France Talent Communication Online Summit
Venez découvrir les dernières tendances issues de notre étude 2022 et rencontrez les leaders français de la marque employeur et du recrutement. Notre Summit sera l’occasion d’aborder les évolutions du comportements et des perception des candidats dans cette période post-covid.
Pour la première fois cette année nous annoncerons les lauréats de notre Potentialpark Agency Awards.

Talent Communication Summit 2022 - Deutschland
Der Potentialpark Summit ist das jährliche Wissensforum zum Thema Talent Communication.
Auf diesem Event veröffentlichen wir die neuen Ergebnisse unserer Studie und begrüßen die "Most Talent-Friendly Employers".
Neben unseren alljährlichen Rankings der Arbeitgeber mit den bewerberfreundlichsten Karriereauftritten präsentieren wir auch die spannendsten Trends unserer aktuellen Untersuchung. Außerdem werden wieder Arbeitgeber aus unseren Rankings anhand von Fallstudien ihre Best Practices präsentieren.
Inhalte des Summits:
Erhalte als Erster Einblicke in die Daten aus unserer Talent-Communication-Studie 2022 und erfahre aus erster Hand, was die Bewerber von Arbeitgebern erwarten, besonders in Zeiten von Corona und neuen Arbeitsformen
Erfahre die neuesten Trends aus dem Online- und Social Recruiting
Virtuelles Networking: Tausche dich im Chat oder im Anschluss an das Event mit Experten aus

Die drei größten Herausforderungen im Employer Branding Post-Corona: Konsistenz, Kultur & Kommunikation
Unser Breakfast Seminar geht in die nächste Runde!
Da es im letzten Jahr leider ausgefallen ist, haben wir uns in diesem Jahr etwas besonderes einfallen lassen. Wir haben uns mit Papirfly zusammengetan um über die drei größten Herausforderungen im Post-Covid Employer Branding zu sprechen - Konsistenz, Kultur & Kommunikation.
Wir freuen uns riesig, dass wir bei dem Event als Sprecher Coca-Cola HBC und MARS begrüßen dürfen. Interaktion und Fragen sind möglich und erwünscht!

JUNE - APOLLO- Applying Online and Loving It
Sich online bewerben und es lieben – eine Vision oder bald Wirklichkeit?
Darüber sprechen wir in dieser neuen Event-Reihe im April, Mai und Juni:
Daten, Cases und Diskussionen rund um die Candidate Experience beim Bewerben mit viel Platz für Fragen des Publikums.

5 Secrets to Successful Employer Branding
How to build an employer brand holistically - from the recruitment stage to long-term engagement building.
From recruitment to engagement
For the employee, the path from candidate to becoming an engaged, thriving member of the team is an unbroken singular experience.
What does this mean for your employer branding strategy? How can you ensure it stays consistent?
Join Social Seeder and Potentialpark at our joint live webinar on June 9th, 2021 to find out the secrets to building an employer brand holistically that we learned from helping companies like Toyota, ING, Unilever and more.

MAY - APOLLO- Applying Online and Loving It
Sich online bewerben und es lieben – eine Vision oder bald Wirklichkeit? Darüber sprechen wir in dieser neuen Event-Reihe im April, Mai und Juni:
Daten, Cases und Diskussionen rund um die Candidate Experience beim Bewerben mit viel Platz für Fragen des Publikums.

The Global Summit
It is almost Summit Season! And this year, we are doing something new!
Potentialpark is excited to announce a first time ever Global Summit, including the European, Asian and Global Rankings.
The Potentialpark Summit is the annual knowledge forum for Talent Communication. You might know it from your own country, but this time we also want to shine a light on our international rankings. With everything being different from any other year, we thought it is a good time to try something different, too.
During the event we officially release the results of our study and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers in Europe, Asia and Global.
Not only will we present fresh key facts from our research and hear case studies from employers from our rankings with hands-on examples, but also show how our editions work cross-borders.
If you don’t want to miss the premiere of this event then register below:

HR Digital Week 2021 - France
Retrouvez-nous lors de la HR Digital Week Potentialpark qui a lieu du 8 au 12 mars inclus!
Chaque journée sera l'occasion d'aborder une thématique avec l'intervention de nos partenaires spécialistes :
9 mars à 11h00 - CAREER WEBSITE DAY : intervention de CV Catcher
10 mars à 11h00 - SOCIAL MEDIA DAY : intervention de Potentialpark
11 mars à 11h00 - APPLYING ONLINE DAY : CleverConnect
12 mars à 11h00 - MOBILE DAY : intervention de Pathmotion
Chaque jour, découvrez les astuces de « Talent Communication » qui vous seront données par nos partenaires et via des interviews d´entreprises. Les interventions durent entre 30 min et 1 heure.

Talent Communication Summit 2021 - France
Ne ratez pas la conférence annuelle Potentialpark !
Nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter notre premier Digital Summit disponible en Français, Anglais, Allemand et Italien.
Notre Talent Communication Summit 2021 France aura lieu le Lundi 8 mars de 14H00 à 16H20.
Lors de cet évènement nous publierons officiellement les résultats et nous récompenserons les employeurs les plus talentueux.
Nous présenterons les nouveautés, les nouvelles tendances et les faits marquants issus de notre étude.
Nos événements sont largement reconnus dans l'industrie de la marque employeur, attirant plus de 400 professionnels chaque année.

Talent Communication Summit 2021 - Italy
È quasi arrivata la Stagione del nostro Summit!
Il team di Potentialpark è entusiasta di comunicarvi che presto si svolgerà il nostro primo Italian Summit Digitale dedicato al mercato italiano! Il Summit di Potentialpark è un forum annuale sulla Talent Communication.
Durante questo evento, rilasceremo i risultati ufficiali della nostra ricerca e celebreremo le aziende più Talent Friendly.
Presenteremo i dati e i trend più recenti e piú importanti della nostra ricerca e ci saranno case studies con alcuni esempi pratici.
I nostri eventi sono ben riconosciuti nell’industria dell’Employer Branding, attraendo più di 400 professionisti ogni anno.

Talent Communication Summit 2021 - US
It’s almost Summit Season!
Potentialpark is excited for its first year of digital summits for all editions!
The Potentialpark Summit is our annual knowledge forum for Talent Communication where we officially release the results of our study and celebrate the most Talent Friendly Employers. We present fresh key facts from our research, and employers from our rankings share case studies with firsthand examples.
Who will be Potentialpark’s top ranked employers in the US for 2021? Find out at our annual US Summit on Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 at 10:00AM EST. You won’t want to miss it!