Talent Comm
Move quickly from insights to candidate-winning action
What is included?
Access your unique insights and results through your personal Potentialpark Dashboard, and receive onboarding and support from a Talent Communication Specialist.
Brand Performance - Explore your employer brand’s performance as measured by Potentialpark’s unique methodology
Best-in-Class Benchmarks - Find out where you are currently outperformed by best-in-class employer brands from the Potentialpark ecosystem
Category Trends Data - Discover why improving your performance in a specific category affects candidate behavior in your target market
Key Action Points - Find the top opportunities for improvement of the candidate experience with your employer brand
Best Practices - Use the feature guide to find out how to implement key action points and learn from a rich selection of the newest best practices from the industry
Data & Insights Delivery - Your Potentialpark expert will guide you through your data and insights in a delivery meeting, ensuring you can make the most of your Talent Comm Lite
Shareable Access - Allow access to your Potentialpark Dashboard to anyone on your team to easily secure alignment and coordination
Spotlight Access - Get 12 months of premium Spotlight access with exclusive research-based acticles on the hottest topics in talent communication
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